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이 페이지는 자주 묻는 질문을 종합해둔 페이지입니다. 질문을 클릭하면 답변을 보실 수 있습니다. 비비나비를 이용하실 때, 문제가 생겼거나 잘 모르는 부분이 있을 때 먼저 여기를 보신 후, 해당하는 질문 또는 답변이 없을 때 고객지원센터로 문의해주세요.
- 회원로그인에 대해
Please re-send user registration email.
I would like to delete my user account.
Why should I log-in as user?
How can I activate my account?
When I attempt User Registration, an error says that this email address has been already registered.
I cannot log-in to my account.
I'm automatically logged-in when I access Vivinavi. How can I delete my history?
I forgot log-in password.
How to keep me logged-in?
Can I make post without user registration?
- 회원용 패널에 대해
What is Seed?
What is User Panel?
What is Fan?
How can I select language, time zone, currency, and so on?
What are Contents for Fan?
How can I block a user?
What is Map Setting?
What file types are supported by Vivinavi?
I would like to change my username.
What is the differences between Resume and Application Package?
- 메일전달에 대해
- 게재내용에 대해
I would like to change or delete my post/comment.
When will my post be published?
How can I mark "SOLD OUT"?
Though I changed my email address, I'm still receiving emails at the previous email address.
My post was made pending. When will it be published?
Though I entered a correct password, I still cannot change my post.
I cannot delete a topic on Discussion Board.
I would like to Report Violation on a post/comment.
Please let me know what word was detected by Word Restriction?
What is Scheduled Post?
Where can I find information or my post?
I cannot delete a comment on Discussion Board.
How long will my post be published?
I deleted my post, but it's still found in search engines (ex. Google).
I cannot go to next step when I'm making post.
Do you have a copy of my deleted or expired post?
How can I add or reduce item on Personal Buy & Sell?
My posts are still published after deleting my account.
I deleted my post, but it is still displayed.
Error is shown on [Area] page when I'm posting.
I cannot upload image or video.
How can I make post?
I would like to add a YouTube video (or other external media) to my post.
- 구인모집에 대해
- 그밖의 질문
I got into a trouble with another user.
Is Vivinavi a free or paid service?
I would like to place advertisement on Vivinavi.
Will my access information be kept secret?
Is there Vivinavi app?
Do you have information packet for users?
What is Classified Listing Service (CLS)?
I would like to subscribe Vivinavi's sales and promotion emails (campaign, discounts, etc.). / How to unsubscribe emails from Vivinavi?